
在任何Mac裝置上(包含Macbook系列筆電與Mac桌上型電腦),按下「Control+Command+空白鍵」,馬上跳出「Emoji表情符號」視窗,完全跟手機裡的圖案 ...,SelectEdit>Emoji&Symbols.OrpresstheFn+Ekeysonyourkeyboardatthesametime.Asmallwindowoverlayappearswithabunch ...,Placethecursorwhereyoucanentertext.PressCommand+Control+SpacebartobringuptheEmojikeyboard.SelecttheEmojiyouwouldliketouse.,Makeanemojior...

如何在Mac 或Windows 電腦內快速呼叫Emoji 表情符號鍵盤?

在任何Mac 裝置上(包含Macbook 系列筆電與Mac 桌上型電腦),按下「Control+Command+空白鍵」,馬上跳出「Emoji表情符號」視窗,完全跟手機裡的圖案 ...

How to Use Emoji on your Mac

Select Edit > Emoji & Symbols. Or press the Fn + E keys on your keyboard at the same time. A small window overlay appears with a bunch ...

Using Emoji from your Windows or Mac computer

Place the cursor where you can enter text. Press Command + Control + Spacebar to bring up the Emoji keyboard. Select the Emoji you would like to use.

Use emoji and symbols on Mac

Make an emoji or symbol a favorite · Press Fn/ the Globe key -E, or choose Edit > Emoji & Symbols. · If the viewer is collapsed, click the Expand button .

Use emoji and symbols on Mac

Make an emoji or symbol a favourite · Press Fn/ the Globe key -E, or choose Edit > Emoji & Symbols. · If the viewer is collapsed, click the Expand button .

How to Open the Emoji Keyboard on a Mac

Newer Macs come with a key in the lower left corner labeled with a globe or an FN. Press the FN key and the emoji keyboard pops right up.

Just found out the shortcut to open the emoji keyboard on Mac

The shortcut to open the emoji keyboard on Mac: control + command + space! Maybe it's common knowledge, sorry in that case!


On Mac, you can add emoji to documents and text fields by using the keyboard shortcut Control + Command + Space to open the Character Viewer. This will show a ...

How to use the emoji keyboard on a Mac

The easiest way to access the emoji keyboard on your Mac is by using the keyboard shortcut. Click in the app's text field, and press Command + Control + Space ...